Saturday, October 20, 2012

Album Review - Kiss

Carly Jepsen's debut album has been much anticipated. If you like her, then you're pretty tempted to buy the whole cd, right? Maybe my analyzing of the album will support that temptation, decrease or increase it.

Tiny Little Bows - The first song off the album does not disappoint. I'm not going to say it's the best one, but it isn't weak by any means. Rather than a song you sing in a car, it's more something you may hum while working or shopping. While not very bouncy, it is very sweet, and could almost be described as cute.

This Kiss - The opening of this song got me really excited, as it sounded like it would be a great song to dance to. Unfortunately, not so. I wouldn't say it's radio material or singing material, and while I am not a fan of it at all, it isn't a bad song.

Call Me Maybe - This is one of those songs that no matter what you thought when you first heard it, it's been so overplayed that you know the bridge and chorus, if not the whole song, by heart, and you most likely have sung it with a friend, heard a parody or made up your own lyrics to the tune. It isn't a song to play at a dance, but it is definitely a car song, and fun.

Curiosity - From the opening bars, you can tell that this song will be very different from Carly's other ones. Fraught with electrical interference and studio produced sounds, it doesn't really sound like what you imagine a Carly Rae Jepsen song would sound like, and more like something you would hear on Disney Channel.

Good Time (Owl City and Carly Rae Jepsen) - I love this song. Listen to it now. It is absolutely amazing, completely singable and easy to dance to. It is a great pop song in every way.

More Than a Memory - My first impression was that this song sounds remarkably like Call Me Maybe. However, the tune reminds me of every other song produced by every other pop princess on the planet. However, the words are very sweet, and if/when there is a music video for it, it will be very fitting and sweet. Despite the fact that the tune sounds so typical, I still like it.

Turn Me Up - The cheesy title made me groan in the beginning. However, the chorus is ridiculously catchy- "Breaking up with you, you're breaking up on me, you kissed me on the phone, and I don't think it reaches". I thought at first that the song would be about going to a party and turning up the music, and blablabla, but it isn't quite like that. I was definitely originally inclined to dislike this song, but it's quite good - at least far better than the similarly titled Kim Kardashian version.

Hurt So Good - Once again, the Britney Spears-esque title is quite irritating, and by this time, it starts like every other song on the album has as well. I'm not quite sure what it is, perhaps the lack of originality, the obvious autotune effects, or bad lyrics, but this song does nothing for me.

Beautiful ft. Justin Bieber- We all knew Justin Bieber would come in here at some point. It sounds like they had a session where they sat in the studio and sang soulfully like they present to us in music videos. That being said, I would have to say that the only way to tell if this song is any good is to make your own personal decision. It is a bit of a shock and was not well transferred from the last electric sounding song, but listened to alone, it is a calming song.

Tonight I'm Getting Over You - Putting this song after the one featuring Justin Bieber makes it sound as though Beautiful belongs on a different album. At first listen, I had the impression it would be a song I would like, but then the chorus burst in, sounding like a remix loving DJ got his hands on it. I would like the song if there were fewer odd non instrumental sounds, but those interferences ruin it for me.

Guitar String /Wedding Ring - What I do like about this song is that despite the electric effects, Carly's voice is fully on display here, and sounds rather throaty, as if she was dancing at the same time as she was singing. Definitely a dancing in your room song, singing into a hairbrush.

Your Heart Is A Muscle - I'm not quite sure what is it with Ms. Jepsen and the odd titles, but this song is very good, and once you hear the lyrics, it doesn't sound like an odd title anymore. Definitely one of the best songs on the album, with her showing off her vocal range. If it doesn't get to the radio, then put it on a cd and play it in the car, because it is a perfect song to speed down the highway to.

Drive - Maybe it's because I listened to the songs in succession, but this song is completely unremarkable and indistinguishable from most of the other ones on this album (read: Tiny Little Bows, Call Me Maybe, This Kiss, Curiosity). If you've heard one of those songs, you already know how this one sounds. If you adore the aforementioned songs, get this one, but the tune sticks in your head so firmly that if you listen to it too much, you'll dream it.

Wrong Feels So Right - There is so much sass right here. Loving the sass, and how it is so very Carly, but not like her at the same time. I actually found myself dancing along as I typed this. I wouldn't say it's a dance party song, but could be a radio hit like Call Me Maybe.

Sweetie - The last song on the album has to be really good, and have it go out with a bang and not a whimper. If you like to listen to any pop on Billboards Top 100, this song will do it for you - it certainly did it for me. Once again, this song could have a fantastic music video, and will be very well performed on her tour. It's a great song to sing to alone or with karaoke, and it is a definite purchase if you feel inclined towards Ms. Jepsen.

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