I'm so sorry to have been gone for so long! There was a long, difficult issue in my personal life.
What happens when you mix Dev with Ke$ha, a few random artists, and hair dye? CSS and their video for City Grrrl ft. Ssion. A Brazilian rock band that's been around for a while hasn't caught my attention previously due to their first songs being released in Portuguese. I haven't heard of them releasing another album yet (I'm sure there will be one in 2013), but to those English speakers who have not had the chance to enjoy them yet, look at their songs Left Behind, Hits Me Like A Rock, and of course Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above.
A song called Famous usually is not unique in any way. It's usually about wanting to be famous (naturally), how one day the singer will be a big star, etc. Well. Let me just say that, as an American, I am a sucker for accents. I don't know if English girls love American accents on guys, but there you guy. That being said, Katy Tiz is not a guy, but she does have an accent. And that makes the song that much better. What's also nice is that the song is not about wanting to be famous, rather, it's about a guy wanting her only because she's famous. Not the most original idea, but her video is cute and I do like the song enough that I think it should definitely have a place of honor in a Spotify playlist.
Happiness is chocolate, a hot drink on a rainy night, crisp morning air, and Colette Carr's album FINALLY being available to pre-order. When I say album, of course I mean The Skitszo Collection. Click the link here, and you'll be able to pre-order her EP installments, get the physical copy, and a cute bottle opener, for 17 American dollars. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
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